
A web series is designed like a television series. Both include a number of episodes that tell a story or inform. The main difference between a web series and a TV series is the financial investment required to start and maintain each one. A TV series usually requires heavy production costs, celebrity actors, and large media companies. A web series requires a camera, an idea for a show, and people to recite the scripted or unscripted lines. Web series are released in the form of episodes and each episode has its own time duration and on the other hand, movies aren’t released in the form of episodes and most of the movies don’t exceed the time duration of 2-3 hours

Key Benefits of web series:

·      Cost Effective


Creating a web series is a lot cheaper than making a TV show. The most common way to get the money to finance your web series is through crowd funding. Once you have backers for your project, they become your audience and will help promote your web series when it launches. Additionally, making a campaign pitch video will give people an idea of what your web series will be like.


·      Reach a large online audience:


You can quickly produce new material for a web series, which will keep fans coming back for more. In addition to supplying ongoing content, a web series can also help build your reputation as a filmmaker and storyteller.


·      Quick Results :


Completing a web series in just a few days is a great way to get your content out to your audience without having to wait years. You can shoot an entire season of web series in just a few days and edit it as you go along. This way, you can bring your idea to your audience in weeks instead of years.

·      Taste of success: 

All successful series have one thing in common: someone took a chance and clicked on it. From there, it caught on like wildfire and had hundreds of thousands or even millions of viewers. Once the demand is high enough, the series can then make deals with consumer brands to have their products featured in the show. This is a great way to get exposure for both the brands and the series.

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